Craft-History, Theory, Research 


Metro videos

Craft Collections in Montreal, QC

Readings & Bibliography

Museums, councils & online sources


Craft – History, Theory, Research is meant to be a resource for scholars and craft enthusiasts wishing to explore the relationship between current debates surrounding craft and the history of the Arts & Crafts Movement of the late nineteenth century.

The videos, essays, and bibliographic content on this site grew out of research by graduate students in the seminar Examining the Artisan Tradition in North America: Current Debates and Historical Craft taught in 2010 by Dr. Elaine Paterson at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

This site, like the graduate seminar itself, includes references to craft museums, guilds, councils, and fine arts museums housing substantial craft collections in the city of Montreal. In order to reflect upon these collections and the curatorial perspectives presented at our visits to these institutions, a series of articles accompanied each organization visited. These were grouped together to address theoretical issues related to each institution’s history, collection and current mandate for craft. These groupings are presented on this site in the hope that they continue to offer a productive framework from which to address a variety of topics related to current discussions of craft.